Cofactor is now offering online courses using Gather. The first sessions have now taken place, and they went really well, with small group work and individual conversations happening much more easily.
Articles and research related to academic publishing
Virtual coffee rooms using proximity chat
Proximity chat replicate the ‘mingling’ part of conferences and the informality of parties and coffee rooms online. Here I compare six such platforms, including Gather and Spatial Chat.
Cofactor is coming out as an LGBTQ-friendly and environmentally friendly company
From now on, Cofactor will be proudly both an LGBTQ-friendly and environmentally friendly company. This means we will do our very best to be accepting to everyone and to reduce our negative effect on the environment
Submission to first decision time
In this update of a 2013 post, I look at what affects how quickly journals can peer review articles and at ways to speed up peer review. You can search the Cofactor Journal Selector Tool for faster journals.
Acceptance to publication time
In this slightly updated 2012 post, I look at what happens after a paper is accepted, list some factors that affect publication speed and show you how to estimate how fast a journal will publish an accepted paper. You can search the Cofactor Journal Selector Tool for faster journals.
Why do journals insist that data ‘are’?
Given the controversy over this grammatical point, in this post from 2012 I argue that journal style guides should allow both ‘data is’ and ‘data are’.
Journal metrics
This post from 2012 is in the process of being updated. In it I summarise six measures of journal impact (including the well known impact factor) and compare metrics for some high-impact journals in biology and medicine.
Journal submission fees: why are they so rare?
This post from 2012 is in the process of being updated. In it I look at fees that are charged to the authors of all submissions, including those that are rejected. I list some journals that charged submission fees at that time and consider how reasonable this kind of fee is.
Journals that charge authors (and not for open access publication)
This post from 2012 is in the process of being updated. In it I explain the fees that journals sometimes charge apart from open access fees: page charges, colour charges and supplementary information charges.
Cofactor training
Cofactor provides publishing training for researchers, supporting them to write and publish research papers effectively.
About Cofactor
Cofactor’s founder, Anna Sharman, has been a biologist, journal editor and publishing consultant.
She saw that what publishers wanted was different from what researchers submitted, and wanted to help researchers navigate the publication process.