Publishing and writing training – consultancy services
Cofactor consultancy can help
We can provide advice and coaching to help you get your papers written and published.
Our advice stems from Anna Sharman’s long experience with scientific publishing. We also bring in associate editors and trainers to provide expertise on particular subject areas.
Publishing and writing consultancy for
Individual researchers
From PhD students and early career postdocs, to experienced postdocs and group leaders, we can help researchers at every level.
Research groups
We can facilitate discussions in your group and help you make decisions about getting papers written and published.
Ongoing or one-off sessions
We can advise by email, phone, Zoom, Teams or proximity chat (Gather or Spatial Chat), just once or over a period of time.
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Writing feedback
We provide feedback on writing samples (such as draft abstracts) as part of our publishing training courses and consultancy. This uses our extensive experience with editing scientific papers.
We no longer provide editorial services separately from training or consultancy.